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A community celebration.
BURNING SAUCER - the Flaming Confection of Flying Saucers and Fierce Storytelling!
New to these parts? Here's the scoop. A celebration of Puget Sound's most infamous alleged UFO sighting that features the annual "telling of the tale," as well as a serious dose of comedy, camaraderie, and actual history, all followed by that famous, flaming, flying saucer. A bonfire, a story, a chill down your spine, a smooth beverage down your throat. As always - hotter, stranger and flame-ier than ever before.
Sponsored by Maury Island Incident Historical Society (our motto - "always remembering never to forget again forever together").
Great coverage of Burning Saucer LVXXII in the Waterland and B-Town Blogs!
The just released “Top Songs for UFO Lovers” on Spotify.
The Maury Island Incident Historical Society Story
Before The X-Files. Before The Twilight Zone. And definitely before Roswell.
In 1947, UFOs appeared over Puget Sound, followed by the original Men in Black. Inspired by the true story of flying saucers, a top-secret government investigation, a deadly plane crash, a dog killed by a damaged UFO, and the first-ever reported man in black carrying threats from the government. The Maury Island Incident.
Nearly wiped from history months later by an alleged UFO crash in a conveniently secured government facility in New Mexico, we ask the question, was Roswell simply a desperate government's sleight of hand, a brilliant disinformation campaign? The MIIHS is headquartered in the Woodmont Community Club, across the Puget Sound from the historic site of one of modern history's most fantastical alleged UFO incidents. The MIIHS was co-founded by Firemaster and Chief Saucer Designer Terry Donohue, and the sighting is now celebrated annually with an annual community party, business meeting, bonfire, the "telling of the tale," and the finale (and event nickname) "Burning Saucer."
Learn more and follow us on Facebook.
See Burning Saucer featured on Den Of Geek here.
Wow! The MIIHS featured in Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!
A community celebration.
BURNING SAUCER - the Flaming Confection of Flying Saucers and Fierce Storytelling!
New to these parts? Here's the scoop. A celebration of Puget Sound's most infamous alleged UFO sighting that features the annual "telling of the tale," as well as a serious dose of comedy, camaraderie, and actual history, all followed by that famous, flaming, flying saucer. A bonfire, a story, a chill down your spine, a smooth beverage down your throat. As always - hotter, stranger and flame-ier than ever before.
Sponsored by Maury Island Incident Historical Society (our motto - "always remembering never to forget again forever together").
Great coverage of Burning Saucer LVXXII in the Waterland and B-Town Blogs!
The just released “Top Songs for UFO Lovers” on Spotify.
The Maury Island Incident Historical Society Story
Before The X-Files. Before The Twilight Zone. And definitely before Roswell.
In 1947, UFOs appeared over Puget Sound, followed by the original Men in Black. Inspired by the true story of flying saucers, a top-secret government investigation, a deadly plane crash, a dog killed by a damaged UFO, and the first-ever reported man in black carrying threats from the government. The Maury Island Incident.
Nearly wiped from history months later by an alleged UFO crash in a conveniently secured government facility in New Mexico, we ask the question, was Roswell simply a desperate government's sleight of hand, a brilliant disinformation campaign? The MIIHS is headquartered in the Woodmont Community Club, across the Puget Sound from the historic site of one of modern history's most fantastical alleged UFO incidents. The MIIHS was co-founded by Firemaster and Chief Saucer Designer Terry Donohue, and the sighting is now celebrated annually with an annual community party, business meeting, bonfire, the "telling of the tale," and the finale (and event nickname) "Burning Saucer."
Learn more and follow us on Facebook.
See Burning Saucer featured on Den Of Geek here.
Wow! The MIIHS featured in Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!
Burning Saucer
The Mothership - before the burn.
What's that!? At Burning Saucer LXX
Area 51 Proprietor and creator of the “Maury Island Incident” cocktail, Robert Force
Space Balls Eagle 5 burned at BS LXX
Burning Saucer dedicates the Maury Island Incident Mural.
Icarus featured at Burning Saucer LXXI
The vibe - beautiful day, the solstice, a great story, a lot of jokes, a cool beverage in hand the whole time.
Icarus burns to Tinkham Road's rendition of Space Oddity